Monday, May 25, 2009

Exercise with ease

A couple of months ago I was teaching a course on the prevention of chronic degenerative diseases. I spoke about the importance of exercise and ways to incorporate exercise/movement into your daily life. I mentioned that ideally one would move at least 10,000 steps a day and added, rather casually, that most of us do that without even realizing it. Then it occurred to me that not only was that unlikely, but probably untrue. So I decided to do a little test for myself.

I got myself a pedometer and started measuring.

Well, it didn't take long to realize that the days I spent before my computer, rising briefly for meals and occasional tasks around the house, left me far short of the recommended 10,000 steps. The hours of the day would pass quickly as the numbers on my pedometer climbed slowly. I began to find ways to move around the house or walk about outside. On days where I exercised and carried out jobs like laundry and cleaning, I accomplished the feat rather effortlessly but I could see how in our rather sedentary culture it would be quite easy to go weeks on end without nearing the big 10. Wearing the pedometer changed everything for me. Prior to measuring my movement I believed, inaccurately, that I was a moving machine. With the truth box on my waist there was no escaping the reality.

I started walking more. I exercised with greater vigor. I hung the phone up after each use forcing me to rise from the couch just to answer when it rang. I took out the garbage more and actually got my pen instead of pleading with one of the kids to seek it out for me. Not only was I moving more but everyone else could move less. We were a happier household.

And I saw how true it is - when we rely on our assessment of the situation we are usually wrong.

So the moral of the story - only trust reality. For a couple bucks buy yourself a pedometer. Put it on. Watch what happens. Then begin slowly to get the numbers up - take a dance break, park farther away, take the stairs. You'll find that you'll figure out ways to move more if only to prove to your pedometer that you are up for the task!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Power of the Word

To continue from yesterday's post, I am so inspired by what I am reading in Yvonne Oswald's book Every Word Has Power.

Today I am reading the unconscious and the conscious mind. The conscious mind communicates with universal consciousness (God) via the unconscious. What we choose to think and say is directly transmitted to the universal consciousness by way of the unconsciousness. What I found particularly enlightening is the fact that the unconscious mind "has no thoughts or feelings of its own; it gives results based on its authentic, original blueprint and the input of any subsequent programming by you."

Do you get what that means? Our unconscious does not analyze, interpret or judge. It acts entirely as a messenger. This means that as conscious beings we have INCREDIBLE amounts of power. So long as we communicate to our unconscious exactly what we wish to see manifested, that is what the universal consciousness will receive. No need to try to manipulate that which we cannot physically experience. We only need to pay attention to what we say and think. And we begin this by changing our words.

To learn more and sign up for a FREE teleseminar on Tuesday, May 26th at 7pm EST with author Yvonne Oswald, go to:

Speak to you then!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Change Your Reality With Every Word

On Tuesday, May 26th, at 7pm EST I will be interviewing Yvonne Oswald, author of Every Word Has Power. To sign up for the FREE teleseries go to:

I have been spending a fair amount of time reading and thinking about this book in preparation for the interview. According to Oswald we can literally change our reality just by changing the words we speak. When we use low-energy words we bring low-energy events into our life and vice versa - the act of speaking with high-energy words will bring us greater health, happiness and success. It's quite a claim. What's amazing is how powerful it really is.

High-energy words are words like love, joy, success, easy, happy, can, etc. Once you start paying attention to the words you use, it's startling to see just how many of them are low-energy. For example I committed to wiping the word hard out of my vocabulary. Let's just say it hasn't been easy. The word just pops up. By committing to replacing it with other more high-energy words, I realize just how often I employ the lower-energy counterparts.

And does this affect my reality? You betcha. I am constantly reinforcing a struggle mentality. Oswald says that our unconscious merely reacts to our conscious speech. It doesn't use logic or attempt to analyze the messages it receives, it just responds. And all results stem from unconscious beliefs. So, we change the message, we change the results. As simple as that.

Except that, it's not so easy. However, I think it is a very powerful message and I encourage you to let me know when you see me using low-energy words in this blog.

I challenge you to try it out for yourself. And if you want to hear from the master herself, listen in on May 26th at 7pm EST. Just make sure to register at: