Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Emotional Eating Tip #1: Balanced Diet

The first step in breaking free of emotional eating is learning how to curb the carbohydrate addiction. To understand more see previous posts: breaking the sugar addiction and breaking the sugar addiction, part 2 (January 19th & 22nd). For now it is important to know that until you get off the sugar cycle emotional eating is that much more difficult.

When our blood sugar drops after having consumed a meal high in simple or refined carbohydrates, such as oatmeal and o.j. or toast with jam, our bodies scream out for some food that will give us that quick fix of energy it so desperately needs. Low blood sugar often results in increased anxiety, irritability, fatigue, mood swings, etc. If in that moment we are also struggling with loneliness, sadness or upset we are much more likely to grab the food that will not only give us the burst of energy but the additional relief of comfort as well.

On the other hand, if your moods are stable and your body satisfied from eating a balance of whole, unprocessed carbohydrates, proteins and fats, then you will make your food choices from a more rational, balanced place even if you are feeling emotionally stretched. As you learn to curb the carbohydrate addiction many other aspects of life simply fall into place. I know having struggled with a sugar addiction for many years.

Tonight, when I went to my local grocery store to return a DVD I strolled past the rows of Valentine's Day candy, delighted to recognize that I had no desire whatsoever, for any of it. Two years ago I would have left that store with little bags of candy and possibly even some cookies. I would have begun eating them in the car and possibly finishing most before even arriving home. Anything leftover would have been gone before I went to bed that night. Not anymore. So what does that mean in terms of emotional eating. It means that when the blues do hit I may glance in the fridge or pantry but I walk away and find other solace. My body is stable. Now my mind can find solace without sugar.

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